New Adult Volunteer Information

Be Inspired and join our Group 


On behalf of all the young people and adults of the Scout Group, I would like to thank you for the interest you have shown in volunteering to become an ‘Adult in Scouting’.


Scouts is the most successful youth movement in the world, with a rich history, achieved thanks to volunteers who give up some of their precious time.  Adults in Scouting have accepted the challenge of helping young people grow, and develop socially, spiritually, intellectually, and physically - but it’s more than that, as an adult in Scouting you can: 


  • give something back to the community 
  • support the Leaders
  • spend more quality time with your child
  • enjoy and rediscover adventure for yourself 
  • volunteer and know it is a ‘good thing’
  • be an enabler, so the Leaders can do more
  • develop your own skills

There are many ways as an adult you can help in Scouting, just some of the various roles can be seen below, and specifically the roles within our Group are:

  • Section Assistants
  • Occasional Helper/Parent
  • Fundraisers
  • Chairman/Secretary/Treasurer
  • Assistant Leaders
  • Leader / Group Scout Leader
  • Scout Active Support

Information about some of these roles appears in this pack, but if you would like to know more you can speak to me, or check out the details on the Scout Association website –

I hope you enjoy reading the rest of this introduction into Scouting and our Scout Group, and I urge you to ask as many questions as you need. 

Thank you again for volunteering


Alan Smith

Group Scout Leader


About us 

Overview of Scouting


We are the UK’s biggest mixed youth organisation. We change lives by offering 4-to-25-year-olds fun and challenging activities, unique experiences, everyday adventure, and the chance to help others so that we make a positive impact in communities.

Scouts helps children and young adults reach their full potential. Our members gain valuable skills for life including teamwork, time management, leadership, initiative, planning, communication, self-motivation, cultural awareness, and commitment. We help young people to get jobs, save lives and even change the world.


What do Scouts do?


Scouts take part in a wide range of activities as diverse as kayaking, abseiling, expeditions overseas, photography, climbing and zorbing. As a Scout you can learn survival skills, first aid, computer programming or even how to fly a plane. There’s something for everyone. It’s a great way to have fun, make friends, get outdoors, express your creativity, and experience the wider world.


What do volunteers do?


This everyday adventure is only possible thanks to our team of adult volunteers, who support Scouts in a wide range of roles from working directly with young people, to helping manage a local community-based Group, to being a charity Trustee. We aim to help volunteers get the most out of their experiences at Scouts by providing opportunities for adventure, training, fun and friendship.

Our award-winning training scheme for volunteers means that adults get as much from Scouts as young people. Our approach focuses on what you want to get out of volunteering with Scouts, while respecting how much time you can offer. Over 90% of Scout volunteers say that their skills and experiences have been useful in their work or personal life. 


Key facts and figures


The Scout Association is a UK charity founded in 1907 and now boasts a membership of over 620,000 young people and adult leaders. We are the largest mixed youth movement in the UK. Scouting activity is delivered through 7,000-plus community-based Scout Groups nationwide.

Scouting is widely recognised and is one of the most trusted charities in the UK, giving it a significant level of influence and responsibility. Scouting’s greatest strength lies in its grass roots. It is locally that Scouting is best able to identify and work directly with young people most in need.

We believe that through the everyday adventure of Scouting, young people and adult volunteers regularly experience new challenges that enrich and change their lives. The current focus for the Trustees and those in Scouting in the UK is delivering our strategic vision.

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